Fire in the Belly

Published on 24 February 2024 at 08:07

Good Morning, Papa God! 

Mostly, I am just sitting here trying to decide if I even want to write something this morning. I have been “dwelling richly in Your Word” this morning. I have recognized two things about myself and life, not that I didn’t already know this – just thinking about it all again. First, I don’t “wait” well, and I certainly don’t “wait patiently.” Second, I don’t “give thanks in all circumstances.” Life certainly does not always work out the way I want it to or thought it would. In fact, most of life’s circumstances kick the wind right out of me. I sometimes forget that to walk with You is not only filled with goodness and love and grace, but it also involves suffering. is the suffering that continually transforms me to Christ’s death. It’s not that You always want me to go through difficult circumstances, but You know that they drive me to Your Presence. It is in Your Presence that You continually transform me. It is where You lift me up and encourage me, where You allow me to feel Your joy and peace and love and grace. Your Presence is where You bring me closer to You. What are my hopes for my life? I really have only one desire in these days… a life that honors and glorifies You. A life filled with courage so that I would leave this world with the same “fire in my belly” for Christ as I had in the beginning of my walk with Him. So, Papa God, that begs the question within myself. What am I doing for Christ and the gospel message with my life? Am I courageously sharing Jesus with others as the opportunity presents itself? Who is “my world” and what am I doing to speak Jesus into their Lives?

Good morning, My child!

It has been My delight to meet with you again this morning. I delight in holding you close to Me and such joy in the wonder of who you are as My child. When your heart is attuned to Me and the soil of your heart is soft, it is then that you hear My soft whisperings in your ear. Your heart is ready to hear My still small voice when you have ceased striving and are still before Me. Little by little, step by step, precept upon precept, you have grown in the knowledge of Me. You know by experience that I AM your Deliverer, the God who knows and sees everything about you from the beginning to the end. I will write the end of your story as I have written the beginning and the middle of your story. You are learning how to trust and follow Me by obeying My will, even in the difficult times like now, when you do not understand My will and My timing, and have so many questions. Why do I have such joy in you? Because, despite not having the answers to all your questions of the why, when, how, where, what of My will and timing, you still obey and trust Me. Yes, My child, there are still pockets of pain that I am healing. Soon those will be gone too, like the others. I know you! You would like to have the “plan” so you can orchestrate and establish your steps instead letting Me do it. But you are learning to “let go” of THE plan, and trust me to establish your steps, day-by-day. This brings Me great joy! Let’s continue walking together each day with Me holding your hand and guiding your steps.

(1 Thess.5:16-18; Phil.1:20; Phil.3:10)

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