Good Morning, Papa God!
I am trying to do what is right in Your sight. I am looking at my choices each morning, and it is my determined purpose to apply wisdom and choose the actions that glorify You. Am I successfully making wise choices 100% of the time? We both know the answer to that question, don’t we? It is “no”! But You are faithful and just to forgive me when I confess my errors and sins to You. And I am so very thankful that You continuously forgive me and pour out Your abundant grace and mercy upon me daily. I continue in my struggle “to lay aside and let go” of those things in the world that so easily entangle me. I am getting stronger at doing the “laying aside and letting go”, but have not conquered it yet. Continue giving me Your strength each day and uphold me during this time of “letting go.” I need You to give strength and endurance as I change this habit. Thank You, Papa God, for always being with me and for being God – unchanging and always faithful and true. How do I make a difference today? Doing what? Saying what? I am trusting You to show me today all You would have me say and do. I am remembering all the times in my life when You have worked in my life – provision, opened doors, and closed doors. Each time You proved Yourself faithful to me, my faith grew stronger. So this I know – You brought me through before and You will do it again. You are committed to Your covenant with me. Always will be! I am so thankful that I am Your child and so highly blessed.
Good morning, My beautiful child,
Oh, how I enjoy are time together. You sitting there, being so completely honest, transparent, and vulnerable – totally trusting Me to be your everything. My joy and love for you knows no end. My child, it is good that you remember and review what I have already done in your life. See how far I have brought you, how far you have come. But now, I am asking you to discipline your mind to patience and waiting, and allow Me to finish My work in you. Practice this art of patience and waiting, and be at peace with My process. You will be glad you did. I have set the answers to your prayers in motion, long before you will see the results. So, just thank Me for the answered prayers, however I answer them. Trust and believe Me. I am committed to your success, My child.
(Heb.12:1; 1 John 1:9; Psa.55:22; Isa. 32:17)
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