Good Morning, Papa God!
I am here, ready for whatever awaits me today. I am unsure of all it holds, but let me be Your instrument of peace, joy, and love as I engage in the activities of today. Let Your beauty be upon me, and You established the work of my hands for me today. I commit my life and my works of today to You. Establish my thoughts today. It is all I have – this moment, this day! For You are working in me always to do Your will and to please You. Continue to comfort me in these days of “letting go” and establish me in every good word and work by Your power that works within me. Help me to do according to Your will all that I know to do - just today! I raise my eyes towards heaven and I set my mind on the things above. I set my focus on You. Settle my anxious thoughts and calm my restlessness. Still my racing thoughts so I am at peace with where You have me at this season of life. I know, Papa God, that my life is not my own. I have been bought with a price-the blood of Your Son. So, help me glorify You and give a correct estimate and opinion of You as God through my life. I am not able to plan my own course. Correct me and my course, Papa God; but be gentle. I repent of my bouts of independence, and surrender to Your direction and will for my life. How often I forget whose I am and begin to think I can plan my own course in life. It always ends poorly when I do. Help me worship You today, giving back to You the best that You have given to me.
Good morning, My child,
Your heart has been humbled before Me. Do not be discouraged during this time of your life because I have not answered your prayers yet. This time of waiting is your best teacher. During this waiting period, you have learned to trust Me deeply, to know and understand Me more deeply, to love Me more deeply. All of this has trained you to trust Me. Even when it appears dark to you and you have no answers, still you trust Me! I am so proud of you, My child. You stand strong day after day, even in the midst of uncertainty and lack of clarity. I am doing more in your life than you, at this moment, even realize. Look with your faith eyes, My child, at all I am doing in and through your life. Yes, My child, I am able to do far beyond all you can ask or think or imagine. But, when and how I will do it remains within My will, not yours. Continue to surrender your will to mine as you begin each new day, and let Me do the rest in My perfect timing. You are Mine – now and forever!
(Jer.10:23-24; Eph.3:20; Psa.90:17; Prov.16:3; Phil.2:12-13; 2 Thess.2:16-17; 1 Cor. 6:19-20)
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