Wisdom & Understanding

Published on 8 January 2024 at 08:07

Good Morning, Papa God! 

Why is my soul and countenance downcast? Why does my spirit feel so depleted and utterly despondent? Why am I in this state of heart and mind, Papa God? I have much to be thankful for, much with which I have blessed. Yet, here I sit … wallowing in self-pity because my life appears to be of no consequence. In Your eyes, nothing could be less true! Why can’t I grasp that and move forward? What is keeping me so down and demotivated with life? As usual, I have lots of questions within myself. What I don’t have are answers to those questions. So, here I sit…pondering those questions. I need wisdom and understanding. I am, for sure, the product of my choices, not only past ones, but the choices I will make today. Will I choose to lay aside burdens and sins that so easily entangles or hang onto them? Will I choose to wallow or choose to do something to uplift my spirits? Will I choose to praise You or sit here sullenly, and hold back my praise until things are better from my perspective? Will I step forth into this day doing something to make a difference (however small) or will I continue to sit and stare at these four walls? Will I choose to find something to make me smile and laugh again or will I mope and cry? Will I choose to make the hard changes in my life and be free from strongholds or will I sit by, weakly, and live in mediocrity and resist the change? Yes, Papa God, I have choices today that will impact my tomorrows; and THERE is the wisdom and understanding that I just asked for. Well, actually Papa God, You provided me with understanding. Wisdom comes when I actually put into action my understanding. I just laid out for myself lots of choices for today; now comes the doing of them. Wisdom is the ability to live life making correct choices, not foolish ones. My true wisdom comes from You, and it cannot exist apart from me having reverence and awe for You. You are at this moment teaching me to value the understanding that I have just received from You. As I enact the right choices from what I have just laid out from my life, I will find an increase of joy and contentment in my life. I need to make the most of every opportunity that each day of my life brings to me. Wisdom comes from You, my Lord God. I need to always remember to leave my life in Your care, to act on my behalf in the unseen arena, where things are much bigger than I can comprehend. You are God, whose ways and thoughts are far beyond mine.

My child,

You have received wisdom and understanding from Me this morning. There is laid out before you a path of right choices to make. Will you? You have all the strength within you, through My Spirit, to make the right choices for today. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Let tomorrow take care of tomorrow. You focus on your choices for today. You are strong enough to do this with Me in your life, and I am right here with you. Always have been – always will be! Go forth into today, courageous conqueror.

(Prov.1:7; James 1:5; Prov.14:8; Prov.2:6,9-11; Eph.5:15-16; Isa.55:8; Rom.11:33)

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