Always There!

Published on 13 December 2023 at 07:24

Good morning, Papa God! 

I approach today with You walking beside me. Whatever else I may be feeling today (and there is a myriad of emotions at play), it is a wonderful feeling to know that no matter what else is happening, You are with me. Emmanuel! In the best of times and in the worst of times, You are always there! You are Jehovah-Shammah! For right now, I am content to just be in Your Presence, wrapped up in Your embrace, resting my head upon Your chest, listening to Your love’s heartbeat. Papa God, You are so consistent in Your love for me. It never fails; it never runs away from me; it never gives up on me. You never have a bad day, and more importantly, You never look at me with disgust when I do! Your face is always filled with compassion and tenderness and love when Your gaze falls on me. So, I am here, Papa God, just resting upon You and absorbing within me Your gaze of love. I don’t deserve it but still You give me Your love, always and forever. I am just here in Your Presence, letting Your love wash over me and heal my brokenness. I am not sure how my broken heart is a part of Your plan for me, but – in this and all the pieces of my life – Your will be done.

My wonderfully, beautiful child,

You are that you know – wonderfully beautiful! You are that and so much more. If you could just see yourself as I see you … lovely, spotless, and blameless … the daughter of the King! I am your Provider, and I will meet all the needs of your soul – emotional, physical, and spiritual. You are Mine, My beloved! I have called you by name. I know you – all of you. I have known you since before you were born. Yes, child, I have examined your heart and know everything about you. I go before you, and I follow behind you as your rear guard. I have placed My hand of blessing upon you. You are My workmanship, My masterpiece, and you are fearfully, marvelously, and wonderfully made. Remember this always when life is hard. I am right here with you always, loving you always. You are Mine – now and forevermore.

(Song of Solomon 6:3; Isa.43:1; Eph.5:27; 2 Peter 3:14; Rom.8:36-39; John 3:16)

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