Good morning, Papa God!
I awaken this morning, sustained through the night by You. My heart and my life are Yours. I know in whom I have believed, and I am persuaded and convinced that You are able to keep that which I have committed to You until that Day, that day when Your books are opened. The Son has made me free. My life is hidden with Christ, and I have been set free from the penalty of sin and death. Thanks be to the Triune God who lives and reigns forevermore. Even knowing this, hard days happen. Being trapped inside this earthen vessel, there are days that are just plain hard and quitting becomes the uppermost thought in my mind. For some reason, I am inclined to believe that I must have it all together, all the time. I know I don’t, but that’s how I live around others. Transparency before them is very hard for me. Some days I need encouragement, but others don’t give it to me because I don’t show them that I need it. I need to give up this idea that I need to have everything together. Because I don’t! Not even close as You well know. Help me to discipline my natural (that is, my flesh) so that my spiritual can grow blossom in Your sight. When I struggle, help me to be transparent so others can encourage and come alongside me and help me.
My child,
Others of our family are there to help you. I will give you discernment as to whom you can be transparent. Not everyone will keep your hurts and your confidences as you already know so very well. It is why you are very willing to be transparent before others. I AM always here with you. You know Me by My names. My names describe Me and My character. Rely on what you know about Me. I AM El Roi, the One Who sees all there is to see about you and well, all! I AM El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One. Will you let Me be your “All-Sufficient One”? I will be all you need in life … your protector, your security, your sustainer. All that you yearn for in life, I am All-Sufficient for you. I AM! All of what you need you will find in Me. Come to Me, My child. My arms are open wide for you. Lay your weary soul, spirit, and body upon Me. I will hold you; I will comfort you; I will speak My soothing words of love over you. I AM the lover of your soul; and all you need in this life. Truly I AM!
(Rom.8:2; John 8:32,36; John 14:6; Col.3:3; 2 Tim.1:12)
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