Good morning, Papa God!
I am here to quietly sit in Your Presence. I don’t need anything or want anything, just You. Just sitting here trying to be still before You so I can hear Your voice in the midst of clamoring thoughts and distractions. I am for sure in a rough patch emotionally and mentally, struggling deep within myself about my life’s meaning at present time. We have had this conversation not too many days ago. Papa God, it has “dawned” on me that we, as Your children, behave very badly at times, especially when it comes to trusting You. We say we trust You until we are confounded by circumstances, or we don’t get what we want when we want it. Then we get mad, frustrated, sad, despondent, and/or defeated. We forget that because You love us so much You do what is best for us, not what we want when we want it! I certainly have been like this during these past few weeks. I have acted like a spoiled child, having a fit because life isn’t what I want it to be. And, in that mindset, I am not trusting You to be God and to do what You say You will do in my life. Help me to align my desires to Yours. And so I sit in Your Presence while You strengthen me. To Whom shall I go, Lord? You have the words of truth and life. And I know You! You always keep Your Word. So, when You say over me that You will accomplish all things concerning me, then You will. You have delivered me from my fears in the past, and You will always deliver me because You delight in me.
Yes, My child, I delight in you! Always have from before time itself I have known you. Listen to My voice, My child! You are right where I want you to be. Yes, I know that it doesn’t make any sense to you. And yes, I know you are hurting and frustrated, but you have declared truth! I will complete and accomplish in your life all I have designed for you to do and be. And yes, I do know that sitting still with nothing to do is extremely painful for you. Just keep doing it awhile longer. The pieces will come together just as they should, at just the right time. Do not worry so much about doing more for Me. Doing more does not equate with Me loving you more! Just simply walk out your life humbly before Me; obey Me in all I ask you to do, however, small it may seem; be kind to others; and do what is right. Leave the rest to Me. Just being still in My Presence equips you for what lies ahead each day. Do not grow weary and lose heart, My child. Continue to trust Me as you have always done. I AM faithful and true. Rest in that knowledge, My child.
(John 6:68; Psalm 18:6,18-19; Psalm 34:1-4,8; Galatians 6:9; Micah 6:8)
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