Thought Life and Contentment

Published on 24 November 2023 at 10:34

Good morning, Papa God! 

My heart is quiet before You. I am focusing on these verses of Scripture and You have laid on my heart some very profound thoughts about contentment. The secret of Paul’s contentment was that he had experienced Your provision for his spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. Paul knew that he didn’t need anything more than his trust in Christ. You have given Your Son to us, and He is more than enough. My quiet heart is content with what You have given me. I know that You want me to be content in my circumstances as they are, not when they improve. So, how am I categorizing my life? Positively or negatively or both? Which list of circumstances do I spend the majority of my time dwelling on? What my mind thinks on determines my perspective and contentment. When all my tomorrows are resting in Your strong hands, I am free to live today … one day at a time. You are in control of my circumstances. I am reminded of this: “Two women looked through prison bars. One saw mud, the other saw stars.” How I see things, my perspective, my thought life determines my contentment. So, I choose to give my anxieties to You. I choose to pray specifically. I choose to be thankful. I choose to dwell on the positive – making the choice to look “at the stars from life’s prison bars.” I am trusting You with all my “what ifs” and “if onlys” and “the whys.” Help me dwell on what I have instead of what I don’t have.


My child,

Let Me be in control of your circumstances. Surrender trying to resolve everything according to your way of thinking. Accept My timing. Accept My ways and My outcomes. Let your trust be in Me alone. Make your secret choices honor Me. Though no one else sees your choices or knows how difficult they are, make them for Me and My honor and glory. When you give Me your all and the control of your circumstances and quiet your heart before Me, contentment will consume your heart and you will be at peace. Entrust all your tomorrows to Me and live in just today. I am already in your tomorrows working on your behalf. So, My child, start with baby steps as you move out of your “comfort zone” and back into people’s lives. I will show you how, and when, and where, and who at each precise moment in time. Do not let what you see in your current circumstances make you forget what I have said to you. Wait patiently until the circumstances change. Stay the course, My child. I will open doors for you at precisely the right moment.

(Phil.4:6-12 AMP; Prov.23:7; 1 Tim.6:19)

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