Good morning, Papa God!
You are my help and my deliverer. You order my steps and You lead me. No matter what each day brings, You uphold me with Your strong hands. Those same strong hands are also gentle hands that wipe away my tears. Let me hold fast the confession of my hope in Christ without wavering, for You are faithful to complete the good work that You have begun in me. I am Your workmanship. All I am and all I will ever be I owe it all to You. You make me new and change me into Your Son’s likeness every day via many methods as seems right and best in Your eyes; and those methods are right and best for me because Your love for me is perfect and best. You love me and accept me always, even on those days when I rail against Your methods of change. Papa God, You will fulfill Your purpose for me. I believe You are molding me into the image of Christ more through the painful circumstances of life than in the “green pastures and still waters.” Sometimes, my dreams get buried and lost, and it is difficult for me to find meaning in all of it, but You always give me hope to carry on and You sustain me through it all. I am trusting You to complete within me all You have designed for me to be.
Yes, My child, painful circumstances can often be a time of great growth and learning. But through it all, I am faithfully with you and sustaining you with My hope of the life to come just as I promise I would. Indeed, you are My workmanship, and I will fulfill all I have designed you to be. Do not lose heart in My plan for you, even when your day-to-day seems less than whatever you imagined it would be. That doesn’t mean it is! I know you do not dream or plan any more because you believe it to be futile to do so. Again, I say to you, My child, do not lose heart! Continue to move forward and seek out those opportunities to serve, however small and insignificant they may appear to be. Do not be so focused on impact. You let Me handle the impact on a life or lives. That is My responsibility, not yours. Trust Me to do what I am going to do, both in your life and in others’ lives through you. I know your heart and your thoughts at this moment. You believe your life to be inconsequential and meaningless right now. My child, do not listen to that lie that is straight from the pits of hell. It is not truth. Take up your shield of faith and stand firm in what you believe and know to be true. I am still working on your behalf-always. Just because you cannot see the results of your life lived doesn’t mean there are no results. I am telling you that there are many results. You live your life each day in obedience to My will for you for that day, and leave the rest to Me. I have all Your days safely in My hands. Oh, and by the way, My child, it is okay to still dream. I gave that desire to you. Align your dreams with Mine for you and all will be well.
(Phil.1:6; Psa.138:8; Psa.37:23-24; Heb.10:23; Eph.2:10; Psa.40:17; 2 Cor.5:17)
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