Ordinary Vessel

Published on 21 November 2023 at 08:16

Good morning, Papa God! 

The first word I read from Your Word this morning was sanctification. Big word … vague understanding of it, so I looked up the definition for clarification.

“the action or process of being freed from sin or purified”; literally means “to set apart for special use or purpose; to make holy or sacred;” “the state or process of being set apart, made holy, as a vessel”

Based on the definition, Your will is for my sanctification to occur. Your will is for me to be made holy, set apart as a vessel for Your special use and purpose, freed from sin and purified. This is done by Your truth, Your Word, by the power of the Holy Spirit living within me. This is an ongoing process within me from the moment I accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord until I am present with You in glory. Of course, Papa God, in this season of my life, I have “honed in” on the phrase “vessel for Your use and purpose” since I am struggling to know what that is. I know and believe that what You say You will do, and that You have chosen me and set me apart for Your special use and purpose. But the reality is, Papa God, I do not know what it is. What am I not hearing, Papa God? Why am I having such a hard time knowing Your special use and purpose for me? The goal of my life is You, Papa God, “at any cost .. by any road.” This means submitting to Your way of bringing me to the goal. It’s because I am ordinary and human that Your ways often look ordinary to me rather than extraordinary. But You are extraordinary in all You do … beyond description. Therefore, You take what appears to be ordinary to me and You do the extraordinary in my life. Help me to see beyond the ordinary and the seemingly “sameness” of my days, and show me more of You and Your extraordinary ways of sanctifying me.

My child,

You are already My sanctified vessel – set apart for My special use and purpose. I continue each day with your sanctification process. I have gone before you and prepared the way in which you should go. Just follow Me. Oh, I know you are having a great deal of difficulty seeing beyond your ordinary, “same as yesterday” days. Think about this, My child. Every saint I have ever set apart for My use had an ordinary life that was surrendered to Me. Every one! So, yes, you are correct. I take an ordinary life surrendered to Me and do extraordinary things through that life, including yours. But recognize this one thing, My child. Most of My saints did not see the results of My extraordinary work in their lives during their lifetime. The results were eternal in nature and not seen until they arrived home in heaven. My child, are you ready to forsake your frenzied search for something to do? Rest in what I have currently given you to do, even if it seems so very ordinary. Be present in the lives of those that are in your sphere of influence, and leave everything else to Me.

(2 Tim.2:15; John17:17; 1 Thess.4:3)

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