Good morning, Papa God!
Sometimes I just feel so “blind” to Your purpose for my life. My life seems so limited by the circumstances of what has become my daily routine of sameness – the same things day in and day out. Nothing new, nothing changing! I want to see with clarity, Papa God, what Your vision is for me. Right now in my life, everything is seemingly blurry. I know that my path toward Your vision and plan for me is forward, not backward. But backward to past memories I go, and my sight becomes even more blurry. Papa God, I know that You are moving me away from memories that are destructive to me and that make my sight unclear. You have been growing my faith in You, and teaching me to trust You to make my eyes see Your plan for me again. Continue growing my faith. I want to see You more clearly. I really don’t like my current circumstances of “sameness” in my life. I sense within my soul that You have more for me to do with my life but what? Clearly, I do not see what it is – yet! But I do see and know that You love me, and I know it is well with my soul. Therefore, I know that You will show me Your vision for my life in this winter season of my life in Your perfect timing. I wait for You to restore my sight that I may see more clearly.
My child,
Wait on Me! I love those who wait on Me and those who seek Me diligently will find Me. You are one of those, My little one … who love Me and diligently seek Me. I am allowing this time of daily “sameness” in your life to teach to live in My Presence. You have learned to dwell in My Presence continually in this season of “sameness” in your daily routine. I know you do not understand what I am doing, but you will in time. And yes, you are correct! I have not answered this request … to know what is next for you. And yet, you trust Me to do what is next for you in your life when I deem the time to be right. I love your faith in Me, even when you do not see clearly or fully understand My ways and thoughts. Keep on doing what you know to do and see to do each day. You are doing better with your faith walk than you think – at least from My perspective. I am proud of you, My child.
(Mark 10:40-52)
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