My Redeemer & My Deliverer

Published on 15 November 2023 at 08:31

Good morning, Papa God! 

Thank You! Thank You for my hope – that the best is yet to come in Christ. Thank You for Your love that never fails, never changes, and is always enduring no matter what I do or don’t do. Because of Christ, I am forever loved as Your child. Thank You, Papa God. You have seen my ways. You know the path I have traveled. You have searched me and known me all my life and even before I drew my first breath. You know when I will draw my last one. You comprehend and understand the steps I will take, where I will go, and what I will do before that last breath. All things I have done or will do are naked and open to Your eyes to whom I must give an account. How thankful I am that the blood of Christ covers all my sins and that You have forgiven me my sins. You see me righteous and blameless before You because of Christ’s righteousness over me. But how I live my life for Christ is imperatively important. I want to be found each day living as a shining light for Him, to impact those You have places in my path. Help me to do that every day, Papa God! Help me to take my eyes off of me and how I feel about what my days are like and turn them outward towards others. I am not always sure every day what that looks like but I just trust that You will show me. You are forever for me, and not against me. You are on my side, and You fight my, battles. You are my God, and You will deliver me safely into Your open arms. You have been with me always and will answer me in the day of trouble. I trust in the name of the Lord my God. No matter what each day brings, You surround me with Your Presence – above and below, in front & in back, on the left & on the right -- I am embraced by You. Thank You, Papa God!

My child,

You are very welcome. It is My delight to surround you in My Presence and to embrace you with My love. Being quiet in My Presence, dwelling in My Presence, and trusting Me may seem to you as if you are doing nothing, but know this…you are! In the spiritual realms, all kinds of activities are happening because of your prayers and our time together. You are waging war with your shield of faith up, and you are wielding your sword of the Spirit. Stand firm in My power and might. Listen to My voice, even when you hear Me give you very seemingly small things to do. These small things carry great weight in the unseen arenas, things like writing notes of encouragement to others. They are struggling with life at this time, so give them encouragement to stand fast in their faith. Do the seemingly small things every day. Your definition of small is not My definition! Press forward, My child, and do not succumb to the feelings that drag you down. Turn your eyes outward to others, and give of yourself to the needs of others. In this, you will find My purpose for you at this time in your life.

(Psa.139:1-3,23-24; Rom.8:31,37; Psa.46:1; 2 Chron.32:7; Psa.37:3; Psa.56:3-4)

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