Good morning, Papa God!
Give me a deep understanding of Your Word, and an endless supply of Your wisdom for any and all problems that may arise today. I recognized and learned a long time ago that each day I have two choices regarding my life. One, I can practice living and walking in Your Presence, or two, I can practice living in the presence of my problems. The choice is mine to make. When I choose to focus on being in Your Presence, I am uplifted, encouraged, loved, listened to, and filled with peace. I choose wisely when I let You handle my problems. But when I choose poorly, and set my focus squarely on the problems in my life, I find myself sucked down into the deadly spiral of discouragement, defeat, despair, and depression. So, I am asking You to send me Your wisdom so I can choose wisely this day, and keep my mind stayed upon You.
My child,
With life comes difficulties, trials, and problems. It is the way of life in a sin fallen world. But be of good cheer for I given you victory in this life through My Son, Jesus. You have learned this secret of walking in victory from your several “howling” wilderness walks. You endured it, and through it, you learned perseverance; it yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness within you because you allowed My training to change you. Now, My child, you seek My Presence first and foremost each day. You sit quietly in My Presence (most days!) and listen for the words of wisdom from me. You have learned to release the control of events and problems into My hands. You have learned that I have this life of yours completely held and protected within My hands. Yes, My child, daily you must choose which presence to live in – Mine or problems, but you wisely, most days, choose My Presence. Have you noticed how much smoother your life has been of late? Choosing My Presence is always your best choice.
(Isa.26:3; John 16:33; James 1:5, Heb.12:11; Prov. 8:10-11; Psa. 34:8; Psa.31:9; Psa.145:9-12)
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