What Other Words Do I Need?

Published on 7 November 2023 at 07:41

Good morning, Papa God! 

Words are hard to come by this morning. I just don’t seem to have any. Oh, not that there are not words available, but I am at a loss of which ones to use to describe … the condition of me … and the greatness of You. I can think of many words that are a good description, but not a total description.

For the condition of me, there are words like: jar of clay but a child of God; work-in-progress but forever changed; hard pressed by life but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; sinner saved by Your grace; alone in life, but not alone in my spirit; accepted and beloved; forgiven and redeemed.  For the Greatness of You, there are words like: Sovereign, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Eternal, Almighty, Total Love, Peace, Joy, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Mercy, Grace Justice, Truth. The truth is, Papa God, I am finite so I am very describable, but You – You are Eternal and Infinite, and very indescribable! The truth is … You know me, every facet of me and all my thoughts before I think them, but I am still trying to know and comprehend the depths of You. I know this is a lifelong quest. Of Your fullness, I have received. You have anointed and sealed me with Your Spirit. A child of God! That describes me pretty well, doesn’t it, Papa God? What other words do I need?

My child!

Yes, that is the truth! You are My child, and that description is sufficient. I have seen you struggle this morning from where you started with finding the words to describe your current state of mind to where your mind and thoughts ended up. Being in My Presence will always change your perspective – mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This is why I tell you to come to Me when you are weary and burdened down. I will give you the rest you need – mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I am all you need, My child, and you have learned this. I am who you seek first, and Who you depend on each day. It pleases Me when you come into My Presence and sit awhile with Me. I lift you up and raise you to new heights of understanding every time. It is My greatest joy to sit with you and to love you completely and eternally.

(Psalm 29; 2 Cor.1:22-23; 4:7-10; Gal.5:22-23 John 1:16; Matt.11:28)

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