Good morning, Papa God!
My peace is in You! I find that I am most at peace when I have fixed my heart and mind and soul and strength on the things above, and not on the things of this world. When I fix my gaze upon You, and remember that You’ve got this, I am at peace. The “this” can be anything, Papa God, from health, finances, relationships, personal life crises to world events and chaos. When I remember that You are God and sovereignly I control, I am at peace within my soul despite all the “whatevers” of life. Nothing that happens is a chance occurrence in my life or in the world, Papa God. You are reigning on Your throne supremely, with all power and authority. I am at peace. Pleasing You is my goal. Help me to carefully determine what pleases You each day. Help me to search diligently for it, as if it were hidden treasure, because it is! Search me and know my heart and thoughts, Papa God. I want to please You so remove from me any wicked way or word or thought within me. I give You thanks for Your loving hand of authority in my life and Your gentle hand of guidance each day. Thank You for Your unending grace, Your tender compassion, Your fierce protection, and Your great faithfulness. I am so blessed to be Your child. And yes, I am at peace. You give me Your peace that reigns within me, no matter what is happening around me. May my life please You always.
My wonderful child,
You so please Me-always! Well, yes, you are correct. There have been those times when I wasn’t please with your actions or words or choices. But those have never changed how much I love you or how pleased I am with you. I love you unconditionally. You do understand what that means, right? I love you without any conditions … like:
- How much you do or how little you do
- When you do right or when you do wrong
- When you listen to me or when you don’t
- When you do good to others or when you don’t
- When you pray or when you don’t
I could go on but I think you fully understand the term “unconditionally”. I know it is hard to grasp sometimes since you have never been loved like that. But I have softened your heart over the years so that now you are able to receive and accept it. Because of your choice to accept My gift of salvation through Jesus’ death on the cross, you please Me, now and forever. You are My child forever! Continue to seek and search for the hidden treasure of knowing Me.
(Heb.11:6; Phil.2:13; Eph.5:10; Psa.19:14; Rom.12:1-2; Isa.26:3)
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