Ongoing Questions

Published on 26 October 2023 at 08:03

Good morning, Papa God! 

Finally! I am pulling away from the morning’s demands and settling in to our time together. As I sit here and try to calm my racing thoughts, I am struck by how easy it is for my mind to become “unfocused” when it is our quiet time. Settle my mind down as I begin to focus on Your Word. I have camped out on these verses, Papa God.

“Serving the Lord” – Rom.12:11

“Hands find to do, do it with all your might” – Eccl.9:10

“Whatever you do, do it heartily” – Col.3:23-24

“Do not become sluggish” – Heb. 6:12

“Run in such a way” – 1 Cor. 9:24

But my mind goes to the same questions to which I have no answers. Questions like “How do you want me to serve You – each day?” What do You want me to do with all my might, as unto You?” “What do You want my hands to do?” Because I am becoming very sluggish without something to do every day for You, and making a difference in the lives of other people. These have been my ongoing questions to You since I retired, and I still don’t know what it is that I am supposed to be doing with my days … outside my four walls and in the world around me. Papa God, I seek Your wisdom in this matter. You said that You would give me the wisdom I need to make decisions if I would but ask. So, here I am, asking. I want to know, with Your wisdom poured into me, what I am to do with my life that will honor You and meet the needs of others. After five years of retirement, I simply have no idea what that is, and I am frustrated.

My child,

I heard your pleas and your questions. I know your frustrations. You must venture out of your four walls and go out every day, even when you don’t feel like it or you think the thing “to do” is meaningless. Go do that which you know to do – each day! Doors of opportunity will open as you go. You seem to be waiting for some “big” thing to do in My name, and I have been trying to get you to see that is about the “small and insignificant” that I need you to do every day. Take today, for example! I know you do not want to this trip for such a short visit, but you are going because I am leading you to do so. Seemingly small and insignificant, but not so with Me. Staying in My Presence enables you to do each day as it comes to you. Despite the mountain of doubt you face and the obstacles of retirement boredom in the way, I want you to face each day with confidence and trust Me. I am leading you – each day, step-by-step. Just focus each day on the “something” to do that day, no matter how small or insignificant it appears to be to you. I take the small and insignificant and do magnificent things with it. I know your frustration because this is so much slower with less “irons in the fire” than your work life had. But you do need to adjust your mindset, My child. Your retirement pace will be slower and less frantic, and it is a good thing for you. Really it is!

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