Faith & Trust

Published on 23 October 2023 at 08:13

Good morning, Papa God! 

I guess I am better today. The wave of sadness rolled over me yesterday and seems to have left me for the most part. There is some residue melancholy but nothing too great.  Today seems to have its tasks – nothing stupendous! At least from my perspective!

I sit here and I am looking up to the heavens where my help comes from…waiting to hear the trumpet sound and meet my Lord Jesus in the air. I know You will send Him back for His church at just the right time, Papa God. You know what’s best for me and I am fully convinced that what You have promised You will also perform. You are God! You have ordered my steps all the days of my life thus far … through the valleys and the wildernesses, on the paths up the steep cliffs, through the flood waters and the storms. Every step You have seen and known. Even when I have slipped and fallen, You have always been there to hold me up. You have rescued me whenever I fallen or veered off the path. You have cleaned me up and restored my soul. Yes, Papa God, the road I have traveled on has not been an easy one, but You have always been with me with each step. Great is Your faithfulness! I will not be afraid of my path’s direction, or the terrors and fears that night brings, or the state of sin and evil in this world or being without the necessities of life. No! I will trust You and not be afraid because nothing can separate me from Your great love. You hold me in the palm of Your hand where my name is engraved. You are my Shepherd and You keep me safely sheltered. You did not spare Your only Son, but delivered Him up for us all, to pay the debt of sin owed by every person, including me, so how will You not with Jesus also freely give me all things? Not necessarily all my wants, but all my needs. But for sure, Papa God, I recognize that I have WAY more than I need. You have blessed me richly with so many of my “wants.” It is with a thankful heart that I am in Your Presence this morning. And I recognize with each day that although I don’t know exactly what You have for me to do, what my exact purpose is at this time in my life, I do know this … You do know! And I rest in that knowledge, because I know that I am Your workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which You prepared beforehand that I should walk in them. I lay my plans down under Your authority and Your will. I am trusting You to show me when, what, and how. I am choosing to wait in Your Presence, and do only that which I already know to do.

My child,  

It is our joy to spend time together. When you wait and spend time in My Presence, your faith grows and you receive strength and wisdom for your day. I am with you in each step you take, leading and guiding you. Do not be worried that you will miss what I have for you to do next. I won’t let you miss it. I know that walking by faith can be hard, especially when you’d rather depend on what you see and know. But when you trust Me to show you the way, then you need have no fears of missing what I have planned for you. When we are together like we are now, I will always reassure you and restore your sense of direction. I am the way, My child! Follow Me and I will lead you through all your days until your last day of life on earth and you are home with Me. Until then … continue your faith walk and trust in My Providence and Sovereignty over your life.

(Phil.4:19; Eph.4:10; Psa.23; Rom.8:32)

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