God Is Still God

Published on 31 October 2023 at 07:00

Good Morning, Papa God!

This I know as I have journeyed through life with You.  You are always still God whether ... life is good, and all things are turning out as they should, or when I don’t understand all the ‘whys" and all my heart can do is cry. You are still God even when uncertainty is all that surrounds me, and everything obscures my view of the path before me.  Life may bring sorrows that flow over the top of me, or storms blow across my path. Troubles can come against me on every side, but I trust You to guide me because You are still God. Yes, You are still God, no matter the circumstances and situations of this world. When joy and laughter take me to the mountain peaks of Who You are, and I have love, and smiles, and all my heart seeks, and all my days are bright, or when my days are as dark as night, You are still God.  Even when my feet are made of clay, and all my strength and courage have flown away, with no answers to questions and beliefs are shaken, You are still God.  Whether a person believes or not, it does not change the fact that You are still God.

Papa God, You are still God, Unchanging, Faithful, Full of Power, Yesterday, Today and Forever. No matter what my circumstance may be, teach me to be content in whatever situation I find myself.  To know and understand that in everything under the sun, You are still God.  In my life, You have a purpose and reason for each event.  Help me to see You in every situation.  You reign and sit on Your throne.  You see it all.  All things are under Your control, and are being used by You in accordance to Your plan.  Help me work with You in this plan, and not against You.

My child,

Yes, I have a purpose and I have a plan for you and for each event in your life and in this world. Everything is moving toward My ultimate purpose and plan. I am God – the same yesterday, today and forever! I reign on My throne in full authority, no matter what the world says or does. Remember always – I am God! My will shall prevail!

(Hebrews 13:8)

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