Sick and Tired

Published on 18 October 2023 at 11:59

Good morning, Papa God! 

I am not going to sugar-coat it this morning. I don’t feel well at most every level, but then You knew that before I said anything. I guess when I don’t feel well physically everything else gets “whacked out” too! Plus, I didn’t sleep well again last night which only exacerbates the problem. I just feel drained this morning. I have cancelled everything on my calendar today because of this “cold”, so I guess I will just study, prepare lessons, and type entries. Nothing new under the sun in my life, that’s for sure. As I abide in Your word this morning, speak to me and calm my spirit. Deep within my soul when I’m undone like now, I know You can do everything. You do according to Your will in heaven and on earth. Papa God, all things are possible with You. I have trusted in You in all the days of my past, and so I will trust You for today and the days of my future. Forgive me when I “bow” up against You in my lack of understanding and the frustrations of life, when I am sick and tired of life. You will always do what is best for me because You deeply love me. This I know deep within my soul.

My child,

It is well with your soul. I know where you are and how you are feeling. I also know what lies ahead for you. As you have walked out your previous days of life by faith, continue to do so. You have, thus far, always gone wherever I have led you, even if the way was shrouded in the mist of mystery. You have trusted Me. Continue to do so. Have I ever failed to show you the way to go? Have I ever not been there for you? We both know the answer to those questions. Walk with Me into this day as you have always done. I am with you.

(2 Cor.5:7; Job 42:2; Luke 18:27; Psa.20:7; Dan.4:35; Mark 14:36) 

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