Good morning, Papa God!
I enter a time of quiet solitude and I come into Your Presence, not wanting anything for myself, except time with You. You know my heart is burdened, not for myself, though often times it is. I am burdened down this morning for my children, their spouses, and my grandchildren. Each of them, individually, are having their own unique life challenges. And just as You love me and have been with me through life’s battles, its high places and low places, so You will be with them. I know from experience that most of my growth as Your child came in the hard places of life. It was in those times when I most wanted to quit, to walk away, to give up, and to just stop trying. And yet, You always gave me the strength each day to keep walking through it to the other side. I grew stronger in my faith and love for You. I began to hear You more clearly with each growth spurt. This is what my burden is for my family … that they learn of Your great love for them deep within their hearts, and to trust You despite what comes in life. You know what’s best for them, even in Your ”no” answers because You love them. I can tell them of Your love and how You have shown me this truth, especially in the hard times. But, I cannot make them accept this truth within their souls. Only You can do that! And this is what I am asking this morning, that they would know Your love so deeply that they would accept all Your answers as “the best” for them, even when it is not what they wanted or expected. Help them to keep moving forward, even when they don’t want to and life is hard.
Good morning, My child!
Yes, life is hard as you well know. But remember this – I never promised My children a path without resistance, without trials and tribulations, or an automatic deliverance without any effort from My children. I just promised victory in Christ as you walked through them. My child, I have your family in My hands just as I have you. But you have learned many lessons of life that they have not yet learned, but will. Whether they are children, young adults, or your full-grown adult children, growing up is never easy. It requires letting go of that which is comfortable and known; and it is embracing the new and unknown. Even you have struggled with this in recent years. Growing into the likeness of Jesus is never over. It takes a lifetime of learning. You have learned, and they are learning (some ever-so-slowly) that this type of growing requires an intimacy and closeness with Me. Much time spent with Me! Time spent together! It doesn’t happen any other way! They must learn, as you have, to trust Me and My deep, deep love for them, despite the circumstances of life. They need to know Me so deeply that trusting Me and knowing that I am working things together for their good and their best, is the first their first response when they encounter the challenges of life. And so, growing in Me is training, and training is growing! Although they may feel that I am far away and unreachable during hard times, just as you have upon occasion, we both know that I am not. I am here with My children always. But, as you have learned … at some point a toddler/baby in Christ must cease crawling and begin walking to become a mature adult in Christ. This is called growing up! And, as the loving Father that I am to My children, I have each one on a specific training path so that they will grow up into the person I have designed them to be. And, lest you think that sounds robotic, understand this! My children have a choice as to whether they follow My path of growth. They can choose to sit down and cry and suck their thumbs as toddlers and refuse to move forward. But in doing so, they will lose out on the blessings of true joy, peace, and knowing Me deeply. As you have learned to cooperate with My efforts to mold you into the image of Christ, so must they. Remember, My child, I always finish the work I begin – both in you and in your family. It is My promise to My children.
(Hab.3:17-19; Rom.8:37; Phil.1:6; Isa.28:13; Heb.5:8; Zech.4:10)
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