The Crutches of Life

Published on 12 October 2023 at 08:15

Good morning, Papa God! 

How many things have I used over the years to “shore up” the longings within my heart? How many crutches have I turned to in order to fill the void in my heart? These long years of waiting by the “Brook of Cherith” was exactly where I needed to be while You provided for my every need. I needed to learn that Your love for me was all I needed. But I needed to learn this at a very deep level with my heart, not just a head knowledge that You love me. Your love became more and more real as I let go of the crutches of life I thought I needed to live life. The last one, the hardest one, was just released to You – the need for someone in my life. I am doing life with You alone, and no one else. You can now suture up all those wounds that life has left upon my heart, without me picking the bandage off.

My child,

Pleasurable or not has absolutely nothing to do with it being right or wrong. I am not against having fun. I am the One who has the angels singing, and the stars twinkling, and the constellations dancing. I love pleasurable things. But, we both know that some things only give a short-term joy-fix in your life. They appear to be that which will satisfy, but do not. They are deceptive in their ability to provide pleasure and happiness. It is these things that I, wisely, withhold from you. Yes, you are right! They do become crutches upon which so many try to find deep joy and happiness. But, joy and happiness are not to be found in the crutches of life. It can only be found in Me. When that happens, a whole new realm of joy and pleasure opens up for My children, and healing happens from within. My children begin “see” what real joy, fun, and pleasure is all about.  It is found in the narrow way, the way of Jesus, and Our love for you. Go and live life abundantly in Me.

(Jer.17; John10:10; John 4:13-14)

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