Good morning, Papa God!
I no longer set my mind on lofty things. My ordinary is good in Your extraordinary and all-powerful hands! Just use my ordinary days for Your purpose and plan, Papa God. Those who will read the words You give me will be those You lead to it. I am no longer trying to figure everything out because I can’t! You are God, and I am not! I know the love that You have for me. You are rich in mercy, and have loved me even when I was far from You and dead in my sins. It’s a mystery to me how You see me as I am, and also see me hidden in Christ, covered by His Righteousness. Let me never take this gift of Jesus for granted or bring shame or dishonor to Your name. Thank You for Your great love for me! You satisfy the thirst of my longing soul, and You fill me with Your goodness. I have tasted and seen Your goodness in my life. I know I will be satisfied when I awaken in Your likeness for then I will see You in all Your majesty and glory. Until then … I will, by faith, believe in what I cannot see yet! By faith, the assurance of things hoped for! And I will continue to walk by faith through each day You give me. Thank You for Your promise to guide me, no matter how impossible the way seems. I trust You even when my eyes cannot see the way ahead because You do see!
My wonderfully transparent child,
Oh, how I love your honesty – with yourself and with Me! I can only sweep clean within your heart that which you lay down before Me. Your completely surrendered heart (one that is totally dependent on Me and devoid of your own will taking precedent) is My greatest joy and your greatest gift to Me. Surrendering your will and your desires to Mine, and letting go of your plans and dreams to My better ones is perhaps the scariest thing you do each day. I know your heart fills with panic and fear because you feel out of control. But, My child, think on your “white stone basket” … all those white stones upon which you have written major milestone in your life. The times when I cared for you and protected you, despite the circumstances surrounding you. When have I ever failed you? When have I ever not protected you, provided for you, strengthened and empowered you, covered you with My grace? We both know the answer to those rhetorical questions, don’t we? Never! Trusting My grace, rather than your own will and ways, to cover you has always been the best choice. So, yes, even though surrendering to My will and letting go seems hard in the moment, we both know it is for your best. Trust Me with your days, and the decisions within each day. Just rest in obedience to Me, and give Me room in your life to act! You are never really in control of your life’s circumstances, but I am! Yes, sometimes the circumstances are a direct result of your choices, and sometimes they are not! But, in all of them, I am working and acting on your behalf for your best. My hesitant little warrior, do not be afraid to step out with confidence and do that which I have asked you to do. I know technology is not your strongest ability, but it is when I am helping you. Did I not send you someone who knew how to do this? Go do it! You will be amazed at how easily it all comes together! I will show you what to say. Have I not done that before for you? Trust Me and move forward.
(Psa.34:8; Psa.17:15; Psa.32:8; Heb.11:1)
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