Good morning, Papa God!
This morning I am at peace with my life, and I have come to terms with where I am. I am rejoicing in the hope – which is laid up for me in heaven, my hope in Christ. I have the unsearchable riches of Christ within me. Faith is the victory! Believing with confidence and assurance that which I cannot see. One thing I know and have learned. My feelings are fickle, very dependent on circumstances. Thankfully, my feelings never change the truth and the facts. No matter what my feelings each day may be, they never change the truth of Who You are and what You are doing in me and through me. So, I choose to believe what You say, and not what my emotions say. Your Word is true, and I will declare aloud Your promises. This activity always changes the state my emotions are in, and so I say again. I am rejoicing in the hope and the glory found in You.
Good morning, My delight!
It’s the truth you know! I do delight in you … more than you can even know and understand. It has been a joy to watch your faith grow … accepting each day as I give it to you. Yes, on some days, your circumstances have weighed you down, and caused your emotions to get the best of you. But, each time you have made the choice to look at Me and rely on Me. You have never given up, no matter how far you sank into the pit of discouragement and defeat. You have always looked up, and asked Me to help you crawl out of the pit. So, yes, I delight in you because your heart is Mine. You trust Me in all your day’s events and circumstances. I will always satisfy your soul’s longings, and your soul’s longing is Me. I love your unwavering trust in Me. I am always here for you, filling your life with My Presence.
(Eph.3:8; Rom.12:12; Col. 1:5)
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