Mind Renewal

Published on 26 September 2023 at 08:18

Good morning, Papa God! 

Your Word is life to me, and, in Christ, are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. It is such a gift that I am able to understand and to know You, even if that knowledge and wisdom is limited by my humanness. There dwells within me this undaunted and haunting desire to pursue Your Word, to know the truth of Your Word. Not for knowledge and wisdom sake, but so that my life and my being would be more like You; and so that, by all possible means, some would see You in my life and be saved. My mind is Your gift to me so I can serve You for as long as You allow. I want to continually search out the truth of Your Word, and to know and understand it so as to serve and minister to others as You lead me. I have this treasure of Christ within me, and Your Word hidden in my heart. Papa God, help me be more aware of opportunities to share this treasure of Christ and His salvation that has been so freely gifted to me.

Good morning, My determined disciple!

Yes, I have hidden My Word in your heart and mind to keep you on track and to keep you from sinning. But I have also hidden My Word within you so you can speak My Words of truth to others. Understand this well, My child. There will always be a mighty war being waged for the control of your mind. This is why I want you to renew your mind in Me daily. The battle of life and the soul is fought in the mind first before any action is ever executed. Your greatest strength in this mind renewal process is knowing Me deeply and desiring to spend time with Me. If the enemy can infiltrate your mind with negative or inappropriate thoughts, he establishes a foothold from which he can cause you to execute sinful thoughts, words, and deeds. So, My child, your best defense against him is to seek Me first above all else, and set your mind on the things above. Focus your thoughts on whatever things are pure, true, honorable, right, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise. My process is this, My child! If you are thinking on these things, then the words from your mouth and the deeds that you do will mirror your thoughts. But remember, My child, the battle for your mind is daily. Stay in communion with Me.

(1 Peter 4:10; Eph.2:8, 4:7; 2 Cor.4:7; Jer.9:23-24; Col.2:3; 1 Cor.9:22-23; Psa.119:11)

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