Shade and Shadow

Published on 24 September 2023 at 13:25

Good morning, Papa God! 

I sit down in Your shade and under the shadow of Your wing! Your great love is over me, covering me completely. You never grow weary or tired of watching over me and protecting me. I wait on You, my Lord God, for You are the strength of my heart. And so, right now at this moment, I am just sitting here … resting in You. I have no desire to be anywhere else, except in Your Presence. You are all I will ever need or want. Truly! Because I know and believe that whatever I do need in this life, You are faithful to provide. And so, I am just resting in You and being still this morning.

It is good, My child, that you are still this morning! Just be quiet in My Presence and listen. Do not be afraid or weary in what I have asked you to do. Just be still and know that I am God! I will bring a quietness and confidence within your being, and establish your heart. I have caused you to remember all the times that you have had to walk in a wilderness; and to remember the lessons learned. Yes, often times, you did not understand what I was doing at that moment, but you can see and know some of it after it was over. The wilderness is where I take you to strengthen and test your faith and your walk with Me. I am your way! I am your truth! I am your life! Be My beacon of light to those around you. They are your “world.” No matter what others do or say, I want you to shine for Me today. I want you to hold unswervingly to the hope that is Christ and do what I have sent you to do. My promises are true and faithful.

(Heb.10:23; Psa.27:14; Isa.7:4; Psa.4:10; Duet.8:2)

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