A Season of Preparation

Published on 10 September 2023 at 20:27

Good morning Papa God,  

I have paused this morning to think about the time that I have spent in the land of “in-the-meantime” (5 years). You brought me to a season of separation, of waiting, and of preparation. You called me to a “wilderness, a deserted place,” so You could prepare me for my next assignment. In hindsight, I now see what I couldn’t see then. During this time in the “wilderness,” You were busy cleaning away the rubble in my life, pruning the unwanted and unnecessary things of my life. You prepared the soil of my heart, so that seed from Your Word would flourish and produce fruit. You restored; You encouraged; You strengthened; You comforted; You increased my faith and obedience in You. In summary, Papa God, You took me deeper into the infinite depths of Who You are. You deepened my faith and trust and knowledge of You. Even though the last five years have been difficult, they have been so worth the struggle and the journey. I, finally, let You search me, looking into every available place in my heart, and letting You clean out all the rubble of past hurts, rejections, pain, pride, and even the sin. You healed all the wounds this life had left upon my heart. Even though at the time, it was unpleasant to walk through, thank You for the time in the land of “in-the-meantime,”

My child,

Always make Me your refuge whether the journey is hard like this “wilderness” journey has been or whether it is an easy path with only good things abounding in your life. Always pour out your heart to Me, trusting Me at all times. It is My goal for your heart’s soil to always be prepared to produce fruit that will be eternal. The greatest gift you can give to Me is your surrendered heart. I realize these past five years have been a difficult journey. It has been a time of “letting go,” and the change in you has been wonderful to watch. You have surrendered all the rubble to Me, and given Me room to act! We just worked together to clear it away. I am making it all new … tearing down the walls that you built up around your heart and replacing it with My attributes. What a glorious sight you will be when I am done perfecting you into the image of My Son, Jesus!!!

(Col.2:10; Hos.2:14, 6:3; Mark 6:31; 2 Cor. 6:17; Psa.139:23-24; Matt.7: 24-25; John 15: 8,16)

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