
Published on 7 September 2023 at 09:27

Good morning, Papa God!  

Thank You for that message to my heart. You have spoken to me about my introspection of my past sins and failures that so often drive me down the slide into the pit of self-pity via the 5 D’s (despondency, discouragement, defeat, despair, and depression). I have recognized that this tactic is from Satan. ALL those sins, failures, and mistakes that I have done have been forgiven through Jesus and blotted from Your memory. Satan is the only one who reminds me of these with the sole purpose of derailing my walk with You.  Forgive me for getting sucked into the pit of self-pity. My walk with You is one of faith, not of what I can see and understand. Trusting You even when I don’t see outcomes or results. Believing that You are always Who You say You are, and that You will do in me and through me what You have said and promised that You would do. Faith is me waiting patiently (or trying my best to do this) even when nothing is clear to me, when I don’t understand, and when my eyes can’t see.

My child, I am here and with you always. You know what I love about you – everything! Because I made you. But, I especially love when you open the door of your heart to Me whenever I knock. Our time together is My joy and yours! I delight in you – your voice, your smile, your laughter, your transparency with Me, your love for Me, and our fellowship together. I love when you bring all of yourself to Me, holding back nothing. When you feel overwhelmed, or in deep pain, or confused, or even in your anger and frustration, you always come to Me first. I know … I can hear you thinking this thought … it’s because you don’t have anyone else who will listen like I do! Even so, it is special, My child. I often wish all My children would do this instead of carrying so much of it within themselves. By the way, that’s what this five years, post-retirement, has been about. You bringing all of you to Me for healing and full surrender to My plans for you. Now you are ready. Your waiting for the next steps is almost over. Your preparation time for the next assignment is past. Remember this training period as you move forward, and do not forsake the lessons learned. Walk with Me daily. It really is the only way to do life. Do not look back at your past. You are correct. It is a favorite tool of our enemy, Satan. It just causes regret which leads to frustration which leads to discouragement, despondency, defeat, despair, and depression. Your 5 Ds! You know the slide well! Avoid looking back, and do not beat yourself up over things that you cannot change. Remember this! I always take the pieces of your life and make good come from it. By the way, in case you haven't noticed, your mistakes generally drive you straight to Me which is what I desire – your dependency on Me in every circumstance of your life. Watch what I will do on your behalf.

(John 10:10; Luke 9:23; Phil.3:13; Rom.8:28)

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