
Published on 2 September 2023 at 08:13

Good morning, Papa God! 

Contentment! Am I content? Yes, Lord, in most all areas of my life, I am! But there is one area in which I struggle to be content – loneliness.  I know that I am never alone because You are always with me. Hmmm… my next thought was staggering. The issue is not that I am alone, but whether You are enough in my loneliness. The question for my soul is … Do I believe with all my heart that You are enough or do I believe that I need someone else in my life to be happy? These thoughts have stopped me in my tracks, Lord. Create in me a quiet heart, Lord, one that is content with whatever You give and whatever You take away. This is the secret to contentment -- You are more than enough for me. To remain content, help me to remember and do these things: never complain about anything, never picture myself in other circumstances, never compare my life with another’s, never allow myself to wish "this" or "that" had been different, and never dwell on tomorrow. Help me remember that tomorrow (the future) is Your realm, not mine. I am looking out into today, and I see nothing to do that will impact the condition of the world around me. But, Papa God, just because I don’t see it doesn’t mean You aren’t doing something in and through my life. I am learning to trust You more and more with every step I take, and to love You more and more as You teach my heart “to love You more than these.”  Lord, teach my heart each day that You are all I need and that You are more than enough. I want to fall deeper and deeper in love with You, so that I want for nothing and no one else, but You.

My child,

Call to Me and I will answer you. There is nothing in your life that is going on that I don’t have the answer for it. But sometimes, My little one, you just don’t like My answer. That is when you just need to trust Me and know that My answer and My way are best, not just for your life but in so many other lives around you. My child, by recognizing and relying on the Holy Spirit, and obeying Him as He brings you into the truth of My Word, life will become more simple for you. You do tend to complicate things with your overthinking , analysis, and planning. Do not think that you know and understand all there is to know about any situation. Do you have all knowledge as I do? Do you see all things and all hearts everywhere as I do?  We both know the answers to those questions. Do not allow the current situation and the cares of this world make you forget all of the “much more” that I have for you. Do not let what you see make you forget what I have said. My Word is truth and everlasting. Remember, My child, you are never going to have a problem-free life in this fallen world. That is reserved for you in heaven. Pour your energy into seeking Me above all else in this world instead of perfection! You will not be perfect in this life, only in the next eternal one! You must learn to trust Me, especially when it is dark. The dark is where I shine most brightly in you. Keep your heart steadfastly surrendered to Me, and I will give you the right responses to whatever comes your way. Be faithful, My child, to your divine calling. It’s all I have asked of you. And remember this – your divine calling is not necessarily what I have asked you to do! It is to be My child in this world, My light in the darkness, My smile and love to others, and My message of grace. Keep your life and your heart focused on Me, so that My power can break through at any time. Leave room for Me to come into your life and plans as I decide. I want you to live in a constant state of expecting Me to do great things on your behalf and for My glory. Just rest in My love for you. Let it embrace and enfold you and bring you peace. Our time together and your desire to be more intimate with Me brings about the transformation of you that you desire – from the inside out! When you focus on Me, I do what only I can do. I change you into the one I designed you to be. Have I not said that I would change you into My likeness? And will I not do it? Of course, I will for I cannot lie. What I say I will do, I will do. Trustingly hold My hand as we journey through life together. I will open the way before you-one step at a time.

Heb.13:5; Phil.4:11; John 21:15-17; Matt. 5:13-16; Romans 8:29;Psa.57:2

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Marilyn Prevatt
a year ago

Love love love this!! If God wants you to have someone in your life He will send them, love you bunches ♥️